5 Ways to Create Effective Calls to Action

Calls to action, or CTAs, are a marketing tool that invites or prompts website users to do something. If you want to ensure that your calls to action are effective, then discover five tips on how to craft quality CTAs for your website.


1.Choose the Right Verbs


Calls to action can include any verbs, but you should choose something that matches what you want readers to do.

For example, while Contact is a good catch-all verb, it doesn’t always encompass the exact action website users should take. Instead of this general verb, consider specific verbs like Call, Text, Inquire, Schedule, Message, or Email. Each of these verbs indicate a precise act that will allow readers to understand the exact mode of communication they should use.

As you consider what verbs to use, think about what exactly you want website users to do. For example, if you run a retail business, on one page you might have a wide variety of products. But that page might not be the best place for a CTA that uses the verb Order. Instead, consider a verb like Browse, which indicates to a reader that they should feel free to look through the products.

However, on a specific product page, verbs like Order or Buy might be better. You might also include other verbs, especially if you have detailed instructions on how to use the product or want the reader to call if they have any questions.

All in all, the right verbs can provide the right response.


2. Be Strategic About Placement


Calls to action are best when they are in the right places. That way, they get maximum exposure and more successful results. Instead of placing CTAs wherever you feel like, consider where to put them so readers will easily see and use them.

Calls to action often go after any copy on the page. An interested reader has taken the time to learn more about what the page is about and might wonder what they should do next. A call to action in that exact place is the perfect tool to help a reader take the next step.

You might also consider headers, as many website users naturally look there for contact information. Also, use breaks in the copy, where CTAs can serve as both a breather from long paragraphs and a helpful place to indicate what a reader should do with the information they see.

Design goes a long way in placing CTAs correctly. A good way to set CTAs apart from the rest of the page is with unique, eye-catching, and spaced-out design elements. These elements should allow website users to quickly find the calls to action.


3. Don’t Overuse Them


You might be eager to provide readers with as much guidance as possible. However, you shouldn’t bombard your page with calls to action. Too many CTAs can be overwhelming, repetitive, and ultimately ineffective.

Some might want to include a CTA after every section or even after every paragraph. However, website users might get annoyed or frustrated and decide to leave. Instead of being helpful, too many calls to actions might have readers feeling overwhelmed. If that’s the case, your CTAs can hinder your efforts.

So to ensure that you show you care about your website users, think about the number of CTAs you want. You don’t have to limit your page to just one, though one is perfectly fine. Instead, carefully consider what you want to say and place your calls to action in as few places as possible — but where readers will find them.


4. Include Links If Applicable


Calls to action can often be more useful if website users have something to interact with, such as a link. A CTA’s link can serve in many ways, such as:

  • A phone number to call or text
  • An email to use
  • A web page to get to
  • A form to fill out
  • A chat to open up communications
  • A product to add to a cart

No matter the purpose of the link, it can work as a valuable tool. For example, if you include a phone number to call or a link to the contact us page, readers don’t have to do extra work to find out how to get in touch with you.


5. Be Direct


Calls to action should always be in the imperative form. That means to use the verb as a command or an instruction. Some people think that a CTA can be indirect, such as “We invite you to call us” or “You might be interested in discovering what our product can do for you.” However, these usually aren’t as helpful. People could be unsure about what to do without a clear-cut directive.

Take Your CTAs to the Next Level

If you want to improve your current calls to action or discover if your website has CTAs, request a free evaluation from Grow Team. We can discuss what you want to achieve with your calls to action, as well as your overall website and online strategy.